Get involved with your watershed. Check out our M.A.R.S. program for chance to help!
Get involved with your watershed. Check out our M.A.R.S. program for chance to help!
Watershed Guardians was formed in 2013 with the help of TogetherGreen, a private corporate and non-profit collaborative between Toyota Motor Corporation, the National Audubon Society and the North American Native Research and Education Foundation. It's purpose is ensure that remaining beaver within the Portneuf River Watershed and Southeast Idaho remain and that they are restored to their historic range
Our Board:
Executive Director: Mike Settell
Governance Structure: 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation
Board member Mitch Popa (right) playing acoustic guitar at the BeaverDamJam-Idaho
2023 Income and Expense Trend
2023 Expenses
2023 Income
2022 Income and Expense
Watershed Guardians
Watershed Guardians PO Box 634 Pocatello, ID 83204US