Get involved with your watershed. Check out our M.A.R.S. program for chance to help!
Get involved with your watershed. Check out our M.A.R.S. program for chance to help!
Help register participants. This is basically a "get to know your neighbor". Sit or stand at a table and collect names and contact info for those who are interested in beaver, watershed health, or our organization. We'll supply your drink of choice.
We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to sell opportunities to win our e-bike raffle. You will need to know about the drawing, the bike, how the winner is chosen and other details. Must be a good record keeper and to remain focussed during the event. You may want a partner. Both will need to attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday, August 18th at Elmers at 3PM.
This year, we will be doing bucket raffle. Volunteers will sell raffle tickets, keep and record cash, file cash, record donors' names. Free NA drinks. Bring a friend! Need to attend meeting August 18th at Elmers, 3PM
Do you have modest event or group photographic skills and a decent camera? We'll want someone who can capture the mood of the event while being respectful. We prefer image files that are commonly used and forwarded by email. Free NA drinks
Can you share our BeaverDamJam-Idaho in Social media (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TV and Radio?) We can help get you started. Benefits are references and your work published on our site.
Professional Services such as accounting, insurance or marketing
Yay!. Neoma Walker has agreed to help us with our books beginning in September! Thank you, Neoma!
We are looking for a volunteer who is familiar with Facebook, Instagram and TicTok and other media platforms. Web editing with Godaddy would also be a help. Colledge intern? Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
Like snowshoeing? XC skiing? Get 6 hours of training and become a Flattailer and you can join us for BeaverCount. Register by completing the CONTACT form below. Must complete triaining in order to participate in BeaverCount . Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
These are things or equipment that we need to continue our work. No guarantee that we will use them, but let us know and we might!
We need a wall tent at least 20 x 8 ' Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below. This allows us to host training in the winter.
Ski poles, snow shoes, other gear. We need winter snow equipment. Having this equipment reduces our rental costs.
Compass, GPS or other Navigation equipment Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below along with your name, what you can donate and how to reach you
Flow meters are critical to our MARS mission. Flow meters allow us to demonstrate that beaver may acutally increase stream flows, rather than decrease it, as haters often claim.
We still have to pay for storage for all of the gear that we have. If you can donate $70/month, you can help offset our storage costs. Click HERE and you will be directed to our donation platform, Network for Good. It's secure and they do not share your information!
Data Entry, Internet Searches, Google Earth
We can't be everywhere, but with Google Earth, YOU can. Work from the privacy of your own home. We'll give you an area to survey and and you can look for beaver ponds from space, or the comfort of your own home. Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
Got a Story? We LOVE to hear your stories! Use the form above to tell us yours!
Watershed Guardians 102 S. Main St. #634 Pocatello, ID 83204 US
Help sign up participants at the training and at the count. This is a VERY important job. Attention to detail is a must. You will get free snacks and hot drinks. A reference letter for students.
We are looking for a volunteer who can help with feeding our volunteers: Hot cocoa, coffee, water canteens and associate applicances and dishes. You may be asked to solicit food donations.
We have many small donors and we love to acknowledge each and every one. If you have the knack for writing cards and great emails, we could really love you help. Good spelling a muts.
Do you have great photographic skills and a decent camera? We'll want someone who can capture the landscape, the creeks and rivers as well as our volunteers in action. Your pics may be in our calendar.
Can you share our Beaver Count in Social media (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TV and Radio? We can help get you started. Benefits are references and your work published on our site.
Professional Services such as accounting, insurance or marketing
Will need to work in Quickbooks and enter expenses and revenue. Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
We are looking for a volunteer who is familiar with Facebook, Instagram and TicTok and other media platforms. Web editing with Godaddy would also be a help. Colledge intern? Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
Like snowshoeing? XC skiing? Get 6 hours of training and become a Flattailer and you can join us for BeaverCount. Register by completing the CONTACT form below. Must complete triaining in order to participate in BeaverCount . Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
Like snowshoeing? XC skiing? Get 6 hours of training and become a Flattailer and you can join us for BeaverCount. Register by completing the CONTACT form below. Must complete triaining in order to participate in BeaverCount . Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
These are things or equipment that we need to continue our work. No guarantee that we will use them, but let us know and we might!
We need a wall tent at least 20 x 8 ' Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below. This allows us to host training in the winter.
Ski poles, snow shoes, other gear. We need winter snow equipment. Having this equipment reduces our rental costs.
Compass, GPS or other Navigation equipment Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below along with your name, what you can donate and how to reach you
Flow meters are critical to our MARS mission. Flow meters allow us to demonstrate that beaver may acutally increase stream flows, rather than decrease it, as haters often claim.
We still have to pay for storage for all of the gear that we have. If you can donate $70/month, you can help offset our storage costs. Click HERE and you will be directed to our donation platform, Network for Good. It's secure and they do not share your information!
Data Entry, Internet Searches, Google Earth
We can't be everywhere, but with Google Earth, YOU can. Work from the privacy of your own home. We'll give you an area to survey and and you can look for beaver ponds from space, or the comfort of your own home. Write the title of this group in the subject line of the contact form below.
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
Watershed Guardians
Watershed Guardians PO Box 634 Pocatello, ID 83204US