Get involved with your watershed. Check out our M.A.R.S. program for chance to help!
Get involved with your watershed. Check out our M.A.R.S. program for chance to help!
This is our archive section. Use this page to view slides, articles and pages from the past
What is "Non-lethal mitigation"? To understand what non-lethal mitigation is you need to understand the main reason that beaver are trapped in Idaho: Flooding. In order to prevent flooding of roads, canals, homes and other structures constructed in the flood zone, local road crews, irrigation districts and ranchers call upon trappers to remove the beaver in the stream. But because you cannot trap a single offending beaver and fix the problem, every beaver 1 mile upstream and 1 mile downstream is trapped. These beaver are typically not kept for their pelt, but thrown into the landfill.
Non-lethal mitigation are structures, devices, and strategies designed to fix the root cause of the problem by modifying beaver behavior. The picture at the right is just one example of how one device, the Flexible Pond Leveler (tm) addresses local flooding yet lets the beaver remain. Help us convince the Bannock, Caribou, and Bear Lake County commissioners to deploy such devices to avoid perpetual beavers problems yet leave the beaver in place. County commissioners you may email the Commissioners at
Tell them that you support non-lethal mitigation to resolve beaver-caused flooding.
Thank you to all who commented on the furbearer season setting. At last count, there were 5 written and 30+ email comments supporting WG's position on beaver trapping in Region V, or SE Idaho. At the commission meeting, we had 4 WG volutneers give testimony on beaver trapping which blew the doors off the comments from the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation and the Idaho Trappers Association. So what do we do? Wait? No. We need you to keep up the pressure.
Whether you donate to a civic organization, youth group or environmental group, there is no greater need for donations than now. The pandemic is not over and the events that we typically would plan are still not feasible or safe in large numbers. Please donate what you can. If you can give monthly, that is an awesome plan because it helps us with our overhead (which is minimal).
With Watershed Guardians, we walk the walk. In fact, over the past 9 years, Watershed Guardians have censused beaver activity on over 450 miles of streams in the watershed. Our cadre of informed trainers have demonstrated how to handle the cold winter environments and give volunteers confidence to explore our watershed.
So, help us continue to help them (beaver), help us. There is nothing more fun (in my opinion) than walking across a beaver dam. It may not be what you'd expect, but we walk the walk.
Click the donate button below and thank you for your donation!
Mike Settell, Director,
Watershed Guardians
Each year, we dedicate our event to those who have made an impact on our organization . Scott Worth was a friend that worked behind the scenes. Whether it was donating cash or serving beer at the BeaverDamJam-Idaho or helping count colonies as he was in this picture taken on Jackson Creek, he was always encouraging and never asking. He was my ski buddy and it is even more fitting that we acknowledge him here at the base of Pebble Creek Ski area. Thank you, buddy. -Mike Settell
If you purchased a ticket for the on-line event, you are entitled to view "Beaver Believers" through Sunday, Nov 21st. If you join up at around 6:30 you may view the Directors report also. The zoom link will be posted on the email that you received with your ticket. There are added bonus videos posted for your enjoyment, including some by our local film maker and board member, Mitch Popa.
We have 3 awesome raffle prizes that some lucky supporter will win:
Check back after Saturday December 4th, 2021 for the winners!
Caps come in Sage-Green/tan, Blue/Red (shown), and some other color..... Adjustable, cotton band.
Did you know that as late as the 1960s, the Portneuf River was considered a Blue Ribbon Trout fishery? Or that 20 -inch cutthroats were common on Mink Creek? Beaver are critical to maintaining our local, native fisheries. Join us with Snake River Fly as we both work to improve our local fisheries.
Join Ben as he meets with all of the major players in the beaver landscape throughout the world and crafts a wonderful story about what the west could be with our own watershed guardian re-established to its former homelands. Included is a signed note by Ben himself! -Sarah Jackson
Edited and donated by Ann Merkely
Schedule your own personal beaver tour to find active colonies and learn the intricacies of beaver life. Lunch provided. Limit 5 persons.
Schedule your own personal beaver tour to find active colonies and learn the intricacies of beaver life. Lunch provided. Limit 5 persons.
Join us in one of several events on-going throughout the year to shed light on your watershed and the beaver who call it home.
Person(s) to man a table at Revive, Farmers Market and Artwalk. These people are responsible for obtaining rules/boundaries for setting up tables from these venues. A card table and two chairs will be provided as well as WG fliers, and BDJ-Idaho fliers with the QR code on them.
You and a friend will collect the blanks from Mike, design a ticket with event details, including limitations, location, times, and a cool logo. Get it reviewed, printed for distribution.
Distribute and collect hardcopy tickets no later than Sept 18th. Distribute tickets to a known location preferably old town and Chubbuck, note the quantity of tickets dropped off, the name of the person who receives the tickets, and the ticket numbers on the delivery envelope and returned to WG board. Contact Mike, for more info
Work with first aid volunteers. Security must have cell phone. Be able to coordinate with other volunteers a joint response for threatening individuals, or health emergencies. Be willing to take a lead role on such responses. Please volunteer as an individual. If you don't have a friend, we'll find you a partner.
We don't mind party crashers, but they must make a donation (ticket). Collect donations for the event. Close gate at 9PM. At least 3 volunteers needed (2 to post and 1 to rotate out for breaks). Bring a chair. We will make sure that you have a person to work with you. So don't hesitate to volunteer as an individual.
Help complete design of poster by placing text on the poster. Must be done ASAP.
Help us get the word out. Facebook, Youtube, TikTok Images and message must be consistent and accurate with regard to current BeaverDamJam and Watershed Guardians messaging. If something changes, this info need to be posted in a timely manner. Communication with board members, Web page Editor and Digital artist required.
Send to local papers, including Ft. Hall, Blackfoot, American Falls and Idaho Falls paper. TV and radio announcements are also suggested. This can be done through free PSAs. News outlet contact info can be provided.
Get our QR code purchased and linked to ticket site. This will happen as soon as the e-ticket sales site is built (Hopefully soon). WE do not have funding for this so any work here to help with getting donation will be appreciated.
Get our QR code purchased and linked to ticket site. This will happen as soon as the e-ticket sales site is built (Hopefully soon). WE do not have funding for this so any work here to help with getting donation will be appreciated.
Donations. We need volunteers to collect donations for our raffles. We would like one BIG raffle for the end, but others as we can obtain. We really focus on outdoor stuff or any adventure, such as an AirBNB stay, flight training, tours, etc. Be sure to contact us using the form below when you have your item. Also, please send us a picture!
Manning, maintaining and organizing the raffle table. Selling raffle tickets. We need two volunteers to hawk raffle tickets on the street before the event and at the event. Best to have one person collecting sales and the other to sell the tickets.
Leif and Peter interview Watershed Guardians founder and Excutive Director Mike Settell about the origins of the organization (It was a bet), and the multiple benefits offered by and challenges facing beaver in Idaho.
The half-hour program features Peter Pruett, Zoo Idaho Superintendent, and Dr. Leif Tapanila, Director of the Idaho Museum of Natural History, highlighting how the Gem State’s wild places have shaped Idaho’s past, present and future. The show features segments on nature news and a fun fact.
“Idaho has so much to offer in terms of varied landscapes, habitats, geology, and people,” said Peter Pruett. “ ‘The Nature of Idaho’ is about sharing our excitement for all that is wild Idaho - the places and the faces.”
"We hope our listeners will take a little time with us to reconnect with nature, whether we're talking about digging up dinosaurs or listening to crickets in the backyard,” said Dr. Leif Tapanila. “There's always something amazing going on outside."
Those who are unable to catch the airing of The Nature of Idaho can download a podcast of previous episodes at Click here or scroll down to download and listen to the file.
The "Canadian Wannabe Swamp Donkeys" patrolling for beaver during BeaverCount (DV-1)
Hi, there, beaver fans and flat-tailers (and I am not talking about MIT or OSU alumni! :-0) Mike here at Watershed Guardians. This is a busy time of year for beavers. They are finishing their dams and making their lodges cozy for their kits, due in early spring. Late November is also a busy time for Watershed Guardians.
We are nearly thorugh with our #Givingtuesday campaign. We have a long way to go to meet our objectives, but with a little faith, we can make it. Click here to donate.
Find out more about our work by reading below. Once at the donation page (here), you can specify where you would like your donation to go. If you don't select and option, we will use it for necessities such as printing, postage rental, and this web page. Not comforatable with on-line? You can also mail a check to:
Watershed Guardians, Inc.
PO Box 634
Pocatello, Idaho 83204
I thank you and wish you the coziest of Holidays in your warm lodge.
Warm regards,
Mike Settell
P.S. If you would really like to increase your impact, consider making a monthly donation. Just check the “monthly box” on our donation page!
To those of you who commented on Idaho Fish and Game's
Proposal to increase the trapping season by two weeks, thank you. i will contacting IF&G to see how far the proposal went. Let's try to be hopeful.
Mike Settell-Director, Watershed Guardians
Cherry Springs Parking Lot
Meet at Cherry Springs. We will update this if the location.r. Even if its so-o-o-o cold you have jump in a refridgerator to thaw, we will...
Cherry Springs Parking Lot
You can still visit the winners page. If anyone knows Lisa or Mark, please have them call me . Chris won twice this year. One with best team name with her husband Tim AND with best people photo. We love great photos and while we can't get pictures of beaver right now (they're giving birth right now. But trapping season is STILL OPEN. Feel free to bother* anyone who might be dispatching beaver with without permit. The East and West Forks are CLOSED TO ALL TRAPPING. That's Visit our BeaverCount page to view the photo contest finalists
*By "bother" , I mean get their license # to IdF&G ( I like IF&G better... more secure.
best team name was Tim And Chris They won comasses (one each ) for the team name: Amme, Lisa, Chris, Dwight all members of the "Angry Beavers" Each one got a compass From out good friends at #Sportsmans Warehouse right here in Pocatello. Best photo winners Lisa and Mark, won either a roadside emergency beacon (CAL Stores in Blackfoot...Thanks, Bret!) and a set of hike sticks from Sportsmans Warehouse.
Covered out expenses thanks to our generous board. Thanks , Guys and Gals ;-)
We left the campaign open until May 31st, so there's still time to keep this yau aght afloat. (Sorry Zelisnki, you're going to have to give up your yaught!) My dad, the WWII navy man, used to say "Small leaks, sink big ships" . Well, we've got a few and if you've a mind, I can tell you what for. For example, your $5/month donation will pay 1/7 th of our storage bill . If you want to chip inn to monthly, I'll give you a tour of the storage unit.
Due to today's chill and high winds, we are postponing the R.R. until next weekend. April 13th is predicted to be in the 70s with no wind, which will be much better for games, talking and eating. See you at Sister City Park next weekend!
The weather for today is predicted to be in the mid-30s and gusty to now, we understand that you are hearty Flat-tailers, but that would make sails out of our table cloths and whatever paper and posters we have laying around. We'll see you next Saturday
We'll provide the food and some drinks, so if you have a drink or food preference, let us know. We'll have burgers, buns and the fixins as well as some treats.
We'll be giving awards for best team names and best pictures from BeaverCount as well as our volunteer of the year award. Please join us in celebrating those who keep us going.
The Reverse Rendezvous is our annual meeting. We want you to have a say in the direction of our organization? Join us at our business meeting and help us steer our ship into the future?
The Idaho Fish and Game is proposing to construct 50+ Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs) on the South Fork and 30+ BDAs on the West Fork Mink. We have our oppinion which I will share on this page in the coming days, but in the mean time, I encourage all interested parties to take a look at this scoping document. See our summary and FAQs below
Watershed Guardians
Watershed Guardians PO Box 634 Pocatello, ID 83204US
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